The Visitor Studies Group: Championing excellent visitor experiences

Visitor Studies: It’s what you do with it! London March 2016

Visitor Studies: It’s what you do with it! London March 2016


See the Programme.


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Keynote – Lamia Dabboussy, Head of Audience Planning and Brand Insight, BBC

Overcoming the challenges visitor research faces in large institutions – Jane Rayner and Emma Morioka

Unlock the story – Caroline Florence -Insight Narrator

Small post‐it notes Big Ideas Andrew McIntyre -Director – Morris Hargreaves McIntyre

How can a learning research agenda enable visitor research to have real impact – Emma Pegram and Jen DeWitt

VSG Bursary -Jennifer Locke recipient of the 2015 VSG Alison James Bursary Jennifer

Are visitor studies professional enough – Marie Hobson

Keynote Esme Ward, Head of Engagement – Manchester Museum and Whitworth Art Gallery -The University of Manchester [Video: Whitworth Young Contemporaries present: Fatima and the Whitworth]

Data visualisation – Adam Frost and Tobias Sturt – Graphic digital agency

Inclusive ways of making visitor research have more impact – Maurice Davis and Samantha Horsman

Keeping it simple – Frankly Green and Webb

Breaking boundaries in research and dissemination of findings 1 Mar Dixon and Mark Macleod

Breaking boundaries in research and dissemination of findings 2 Lucie Fitton

Double Vision – Museums Making the most of shared data – Margot Walker and Katie Cudworth – Christina Lister and Amanda Burke

Visitor Studies – Its what you do with it

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