The Visitor Studies Group: Championing excellent visitor experiences

VSG Committee – May 2024 Elections

You heard it here first – there will be a May election!

No, not that election, the election of the 2024 VSG Committee which will take place this year to ratify existing committee members into their positions and elect new faces to replace outgoing members who have served their term as committee members. There are five voluntary positions due for election:

  • Chair – Leads the committee, liaises on the VSG Mentorship Programme, manages the Administrator and provides support across the subcommittee. The time commitment for this post is c. 2 days per month (estimate of average).
  • Deputy Chair & Treasurer – Manages finances, deputises for Chair and provides support across the subcommittees. The time commitment for this post is c. 1.5-2 days per month (estimate of average).
  • Conference Lead – leads the Conference subcommittee and responsible for development and coordination of the annual conference. The time commitment for this post is c.2 days per month during the busiest period Jan-May and c. 1 day per month for the rest of the year).
  • Networking & Events Lead – leads the Networking & Events subcommittee and responsible for developing and coordinating a year-round calendar of member events. The time commitment for this post is c. 1-1.5 days per month (estimate of average).
  • Communications Lead – leads the Communications subcommittee and responsible for member newsletters, social media management and wider sector communications and campaigns. The time commitment for this post is c. 1-1.5 days per month (estimate of average).

These five elected positions are supported by five other committee members who contribute to each area of work, as well as the invaluable work of a freelance Group Administrator.

The Chair (Beth) and Deputy Chair (Ellen) have both served their terms on the committee and will not be standing for re-election this May. The smooth-running of the VSG relies on existing committee members or VSG members replacing us this October. We have had a lot of fun as committee members and as Chairs and  encourage all VSG members to consider standing for positions.


As a committee member you will develop skills in planning; collaboration; event management; network development; digital communications; thought leadership; facilitation; and public speaking. The maximum and optimal term length is three years however we understand life circumstances change. Our intention is that Assistant committee members and Y1 elected committee members are able to shadow a veteran committee member, in Y2 they can lead and in Y3 they are able to drive improvements, make their mark and support other committee members looking to shadow that role. See the current Committee structure and members here.

You will get to know both professionals who work in evaluation and research, and people from other areas who are curious and passionate about their audiences. Being a committee member gives you opportunities to approach others in the field, and help connect you to them. 

You will learn about audience research from colleagues from across the research landscape with complimentary attendance at our conference and events while serving on the committee.

You can view our strategic direction for 2023/2024 here.

The Visitor Studies Group is an unincorporated association, meaning individuals can be individually liable financially; however, we routinely take steps to safeguard against this and maintain a healthy reserve. Our financial position will be shared in our AGM at our annual conference on 10 May. Candidates may request details following the 23/24 financial year end.


Members will be able to view bios for candidates up for election from the point that elections open. These profiles will be formulated by the forms submitted (below).

Elections will run from 26th April through to the morning of the Conference on 10th May. Elections will be digital via a Google form.


Members wishing to put themselves forward for any of the above positions please use this link to download and complete a short nomination form. All candidates who submit a form, are valid members for the 2024/2025 financial year and can commit to the role will be seconded by a member of the current committee and included on the future ballot. 

You can download a PDF with the full details of the elections process here.

Please return to by 19th April 2024.

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